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"Architects, engineers, and builders utilize AutoCAD, a complex CAD program. It lets users design in 2D and 3D, simulate real-world settings, and communicate. AutoCAD's price is a common question. AutoCAD pricing depends on license type, subscription period, and user count. AutoCAD licenses are permanent or subscription. Unlike a subscription license, a perpetual license permits users to use the product perpetually. AutoCAD costs $220 each month, according to its website. AutoCAD prices vary by version and area. If you need to use Revit or Civil 3D with AutoCAD, you can buy a cheap software bundle. The Autodesk Education Community offers free AutoCAD licenses to students and educators. This initiative lets students and teachers utilize Autodesk software for free. Cherry Institute and other educational institutions may offer discounted Autodesk software. In conclusion, AutoCAD monthly cost depends on numerous aspects. The Autodesk Education Community may offer free or reduced software to students and educators. Check if Cherry Institute or other educational institutions provide Autodesk software discounts. "